Sutonny MJ is the awesome Bangla font for home windows and Avro key pad. It is certainly a Bengali font selection for home windows xp+7+8.1+10. In this font selection, there are usually many fashionable Bengali fonts with SutonnyMJ and several others like SutonnyMJ, SolaimanLipi etc. SutonnyMJ is a well-known Bengali font.
- Bangla Font - All Bangla Fonts Download Free Bengali Fonts. Bangla Font developpers spent countless hours and efforts on these fonts. Many volunteers also helped enrich them by working on different bangla font projects around on and off the web over the years.
- Announcements of new fonts for Bengali / Bangla script announcements of all new fonts for any writing system Related Links. The Unicode implementation of Bengali is described in chapter 9 (South Asian Scripts) of The Unicode Standard, Version 5.0. The Unicode character code charts are available at the organization's website.
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SutonnyMJ Regular [Download]
- Font Name: SutonnyMJ Regular
- Font Category: Bangla Font
- Font Style: Regular
- Font Type: TrueType
- Font Embedding: Installable
- Font Tags: SutonnyMJ, Regular
- Number of Glyphs: None
- Font File Size: 45.3 KB
- Font Rating: ★★★★★
SutonnyMJ Bold [Download]
Preview – SutonnyMJ Bold
Font Name: SutonnyMJ Bold
Font Style: Bold
Font Type: TrueType
Font Embedding: Installable
Font Tags: SutonnyMJ,Bold
Number of Glyphs: None
Font File Size: 44.0 KB
Font Rating: ★★★★★
SutonnySushreeMJ Regular [Download]
- Font Name: SutonnySushreeMJ Regular
- Font Style: Regular
- Font Type: TrueType
- Font Embedding: Installable
- Font Tags: SutonnySushreeMJ, Regular
- Number of Glyphs: None
- Font File Size: 42.8 KB
- Font Rating: ★★★★★
SutonnyOMJ Regular [Download]
Preview – SutonnyOMJ Regular
- Font Name: SutonnyOMJ Regular
- Font Style: Regular
- Font Type: TrueType
- Font Embedding: Installable
- Font Tags: SutonnyOMJ, Regular
- Number of Glyphs: None
- Font File Size: 237.0 KB
- Font Rating: ★★★★★
KumarkhaliMJ Bold [Download]
- Font Name: KumarkhaliMJ Bold
- Font Style: Bold
- Font Type: TrueType
- Font Embedding: Installable
- Font Tags: KumarkhaliMJ, Bold
- Number of Glyphs: None
- Font File Size: 46.0 KB
- Font Rating: ★★★★★
UrmeeMJ Bold [Download] Nvms 1000 para mac.
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- Font Name: UrmeeMJ Bold
- Font Style: Bold
- Font Type: TrueType
- Font Embedding: Installable
- Font Tags: UrmeeMJ,Bold
- Number of Glyphs: None
- Font File Size: 38.9 KB
- Font Rating: ★★★★★
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Fazlay Sejuti (Unicode font) [Download]
- Font Name: Fazlay Sejuti
- Font Style: Bold
- Font Type: TrueType, Unicode font
- Font Embedding: Installable
- Font Tags: Unicode, Bold
- Number of Glyphs: None
- Font File Size: 38.9 KB
- Font Rating: ★★★★★
All Bangla Fonts Zip Download
KumarkhaliMJ (Unicon Font) [Download]
- Font Name: KumarkhaliMJ
- Font Style: Bold
- Font Type: TrueType, Unicode font
- Font Embedding: Installable
- Font Tags: Unicode, Bold
- Number of Glyphs: None
- Font File Size: 38.9 KB
- Font Rating: ★★★★★
Bokul Unicode Font [Download]
- Font Name: Bokul Unicode
- Font Style: Bold
- Font Type: TrueType, Unicode font
- Font Embedding: Installable
- Font Tags: Unicode, Bold
- Number of Glyphs: None
- Font File Size: 38.9 KB
- Font Rating: ★★★★★
Lipishree Unicode font [DOWNLOAD]
- Font Name: Lipishree Unicode
- Font Style: Bold
- Font Type: TrueType, Unicode font
- Font Embedding: Installable
- Font Tags: Unicode, Bold
- Number of Glyphs: None
- Font File Size: 38.9 KB
- Font Rating: ★★★★★
Kalpana Unicode font [Download]
- Font Name: Kalpana Unicode
- Font Style: Bold
- Font Type: TrueType, Unicode font
- Font Embedding: Installable
- Font Tags: Unicode, Bold
- Number of Glyphs: None
- Font File Size: 38.9 KB
- Font Rating: ★★★★★
These were the best Bengali fonts, If you like our collection of Bangla Fonts then share this post with your friends via the below share button.
Bangla Fonts List
BanglaWord is a smart word processing application, specifically designed for writing Bengali documents. Bangla text is entered using only the vowels (swarabarnas) and the consonant (banjonbarnos). The conjunct characters (juktho okkors) are placed automatically by the system if possible otherwise when indicated by the user. Bengali alphabet is mapped phonetically on to the standard QWERTY keyboard, independent of any Bangla font. Like this version you can easily watch uwatchfree movies online, free from many websites.This minimizes the initial learning curve and removes the need for physical layout template. Built using TXControl from The Imaging.
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Simply install Bangla word installer and go to Control Panel and copy the bengali fonts given and Paste them to the folder of the Control Panels “Font” No need of Registration.